School Sports Inclusion Program

In publicly-fundedschoolsin low-income “priority”neighbourhoods

  • Elementary school phys-ed classes - particularly those in priority neighbourhoods - typically lack qualified teachers. Many classes are basically supervised play time with little sports instruction. There is less support from parent fundraising and volunteering compared to schools in more affluent neighbourhoods.
  • North Toronto Soccer Club, an Approved Partner of the Toronto District School Board, works with Principals of TDSB schools, and also with Principals in the Toronto District Catholic School Board.
    • Highly-qualified club coaches provide expert instruction during regular phys-ed classes; usually twice weekly, for up to 14 weeks in a school term, 1 or 2 terms per school year.

Teaching elements of physical literacy, basic movement skills, ball handling, specific soccer skills and teamwork


SWAN - Sports Wellness Achievement Network


The SWAN initiative in the TDSB Lawrence Heights family of schools focuses on the physical well-being of children in local schools, and the relationship between wellness and academic achievement. SWAN organizes multi-sport and individual sport activities, with 30 sports organizations involved in running programs throughout the school year during school hours and after school.

Students from Lawrence Heights MS and John Polanyi CI are involved in sport leadership programs



SWAN soccer festival at John Polanyi CI

Elementary school students from Baycrest PS and Flemington PS.